Our Services
All Grace Smith House services are free and confidential for victims of domestic violence.
Crisis Intervention & Information: 24-hour crisis hotline to help victims assess their individual situation, assist in creating a safety plan for themselves and their children, and understand options available. Referrals and information about our services are available.
Shelter: Grace Smith House operates secure emergency shelter for individuals and their children, staffed and open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Assistance with meals, transportation, employment, housing, and counseling services are provided.
Transitional Housing: Apartments for those exiting from a short-term shelter stay to a more independent living environment. Emotional support and advocacy is provided on site.
Domestic Violence Counseling & Support Groups: Offer individual and group counseling for victims of domestic violence. Trained advocates facilitate groups for victims and survivors to help acknowledge their experiences of violence and learn non-violent methods of problem solving and communication.
​Advocacy & Accompaniment: Assistance with police, courts, social services, employment, housing and other resources. Guidance on legal issues, such as orders of protection, child custody matters, and other issues.
Latina Outreach: Spanish-speaking advocacy and counseling. Assistance with the unique issues facing victims in the Latina community.
Community Education: Community, business & school-based programs focus on identification of domestic violence, resources available, and the referral process. Youth education focuses on bullying, digital abuse, and relationship violence prevention and intervention.
For further information, please call our hotline at (845)-471-3033